
We 'Labour Asia Services Co., Ltd.' is one of the most efficient registered staff recruitment and training agencies in Myanmar. We match the employers and employees after reviewing and scrutinizing their needs, nature of work, and cost-effectiveness.

Since inauguration in 2012, we have supplied more than 80,000 employee's jobs in Thailand, Japan, Central Europe and domestically in Myanmar.

Main Responsibilities and allegiance to diginity

Diginity of Nation

Diginity of Myanmar Nationality and Religion

Diginity of Labour Asia Services Co.,Ltd.

Moral of Labour Asia Services Co.,Ltd.

Our Mission and Vision

We aim to offer the most efficient manpower services for our clients by delivering only the best employees with utmost time & cost efficiency. We dream to become the top labour supply services agency in Myanmar eventually serving the whole Southeast Asia Region labour market.

Belief and Objective

  • Myanmar citizens to be worked in dignified manner in foreign countries.
  • Myanmar citizens to be learnt knowledge and techniques in foreign countries.
  • Each of Myanmar foreign employees to be achieved higher living standard and to support Union of Myanmar to be developed and modernized nation.
  • To gain and succeed upon systematic management and working procedures.
  • To be able to perform development of human resources.
  • Development of human resources to be used again Myanmar Nation and citizens.
  • Focusing to reduce human trafficking business by providing legitimate work opportunities to everyone in Myanmar.
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Crossing Borders, Building Futures

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